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Ouroboros 28

Hopefully they have a Magic help-desk with it-- or else there here for a long long long time.

Ouroboros 05/27/2011 21:32:22   
Cole 2

Well, it's a start . . . Verifying what is already known is step one. Now she can move on to step two haha.

Cole 05/29/2011 11:53:23   
Thegreatsaiyaman 3

Paper clip: I see you are trying to dispell a hex do you need help with that?

Thegreatsaiyaman 06/20/2011 16:18:25   
Diogenes Mota 8

I wonder what made her choose the path of magic...

Diogenes Mota 06/28/2011 17:56:09   
Ouroboros 28

Diogenes Mota said:I wonder what made her choose the path of magic...

If I recall correct her dad is a renown wizard. My guise is it is just an excuse to continue her life of luxury.

Ouroboros 06/28/2011 18:42:15   
Esteryn 33

love that dwarf, he's juste like the cat, they should get on well ^.^

Esteryn 08/13/2011 16:23:29   
Dinauto02 1


Dinauto02 02/09/2017 14:23:45   
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