No puedo parar de mirar al malo chaplin Yahudah va a quemar todo el vencindario
Translate David Fernandez Gonzalez 05/30/2012 10:42:27Grac
Echadle un ojo y comentad! por favor. ^^ FAN ARTS Dragon Ball Multiverse por JohanDark
Echadle un ojo y comentad! por favor. ^^ Gracias johan FAN ARTS Dragon Ball Multiverse por JohanDark
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Yahudah? Is he a reincarnation of Judah or something?
Dethbeast666 05/30/2012 10:28:00Author
Dethbeast666 said:Yahudah? Is he a reincarnation of Judah or something?
johandark 05/30/2012 10:39:56The name Yahudah/Yehudah means "praise and thanks". It is a name of Hebrew origin and was used as a sign of thanking God. Yahuda is found in religious books and historical records about Hebrew societies.
Yahudah means One Who is from Judah (Yehuda, Yehudi)