Since the so called "superheroes" appeared, a lot has changed. There are no vigilantes. Just the military. The police. The better world.
If you want to help out:
Dhalmun: Age of Smoke is a webcomic I started in September 2011, but it incorporates ideas I had and developed in various unfinished projects since maybe 2005.
It's originally written in Polish, but since I also have an English version, I uploaded this one, to make things easier.
Thanks for reading.
Dhalmun: Mythology: -
Original Language : English
Updated on : On hold
Genre : Action
Type : Comics - Saga
(read from left to right)
Number of readers per day
Released pages English: 85
Number of readers: 268559
Average of readers per day: 375
Number of comments: 28
28 Comments on the pages of Dhalmun: Age of Smoke