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A Redtail's Dream

A Redtail's Dream : comic cover

The tale of a young man and his dog on a journey in an artificially created dream existence. As the only ones aware of their situation, they've been given the task to bring their fellow villagers back to reality before their souls pass on to Tuonela.

Cartoonist :

Translator :

Original Language : English

Updated on : On hold

Genre : Fantasy - SF

Type : Comics
(read from left to right)

288 Comments on the pages of A Redtail's Dream

Rmiles Rmiles 2Jul ch1 p1 Absolutely amazing, I'm glad you're publishing here, we're working with Tze on cleaning the pages so it can be translated in all l (...)
raffy raffy 16Sep ch4 p1 boh
YanaM YanaM 9Feb ch1 p1 do we have to pay to read new chapter? like i mean if found other site where we had to pay to read the new chapter, what abot here (...)
Klonoa Klonoa 19Aug ch4 p2 Bloody hell? Wrong chap uploaded?
artmerc artmerc 14Jun ch4 p1 ...Why Chapter 4 is Chapter 1 ?
Yusu Yusu 27Jun ch1 p8 They are very profesional on the radio XD
TroyB TroyB 12Jun ch4 p12 This comic continues to be totally awesome !!!
alrickdrinkson alrickdrinkson 20May ch4 p2 it's the same as the first chapter?
alrickdrinkson alrickdrinkson 13May ch3 p61 what if he just keep seagul and ,ot the boat and end up in a river :3
alrickdrinkson alrickdrinkson 10May ch3 p60 that make sense
Lilence Lilence 30Apr ch1 p8 Totally! :)
Lilence Lilence 30Apr ch1 p1 breathtaking!! :) :) :)
alrickdrinkson alrickdrinkson 26Apr ch3 p54 what about the magical protection field? they don't have an uprgade in the dream?
alrickdrinkson alrickdrinkson 22Apr ch3 p52 hannu is such a nice guy :P
alrickdrinkson alrickdrinkson 8Apr ch3 p46 how can he know the smell of a monkey fart? he comes from finlande or some northern country...

288 comments in other languages.

xicomontes xicomontes 1Apr ch1 p1 love it!!!
amilovas amilovas 23Jul ch1 p19 :D
Miss_Call Miss_Call 21Dec ch1 p19 Tout va trèèèèès bien XD
Miss_Call Miss_Call 21Dec ch1 p7 La dernière phrase ne présage rien de bon
Miss_Call Miss_Call 21Dec ch1 p3 Woooow
Eme Eme 30Jun ch1 p1 cette couverture reste sans voix, magnifique !
Etoile Sombre Etoile Sombre 30Jun ch1 p41 Oh? On peut aussi corriger? Je ne sais pas traduire mais il y a juste des fautes d'orthographe parfois. On ne dit pas "postier (...)
Etoile Sombre Etoile Sombre 30Jun ch1 p34 le garder cacher: le garder caché ces petits yeux: ses petits yeux ^^'
Etoile Sombre Etoile Sombre 30Jun ch1 p24 Au royaume des rêves, ils pourront rêver au moins.
Etoile Sombre Etoile Sombre 30Jun ch1 p21 Et bien là, on y sera encore demain. :)
Etoile Sombre Etoile Sombre 30Jun ch1 p19 Nous ne sommes pas dans un rêve. :D
Etoile Sombre Etoile Sombre 30Jun ch1 p8 Elle fonctionnent bien cette radio! :)
Etoile Sombre Etoile Sombre 30Jun ch1 p7 Mais ce n'était pas plus tôt mon journal intime?
Etoile Sombre Etoile Sombre 30Jun ch1 p5 Ouais! Des petits pains!
Etoile Sombre Etoile Sombre 30Jun ch1 p4 Oh! On n'a plus de petits pains! Pleurt

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