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gui19900221 3

Ouch. Amilova sure must be in pain after all of that. Hopefully, some miraculous twist that will enable her to live will happen... but I'm seriously not sure about that.

gui19900221 01/14/2012 13:47:26   
Sool 15

Awesome page the last illustration is absolutely terrific !!!

Sool 01/14/2012 17:31:18   
Mart 17

I love moments like that in the first panel...classic!

Mart 01/16/2012 15:18:55   
Josh Dufresne 3

oh no insulting the dad, not a good idea

Josh Dufresne 11/20/2012 14:14:31   
Minar 1

yup bad move shes totally going postal on him lol

Minar 03/15/2013 02:56:10   
~Tornado GeGe The Almighty Tian Dragon a.k.a. Head 5

the art is getting better & better.

I just hope its not deus ex machina the saves her.

~Tornado GeGe The Almighty Tian Dragon a.k.a. Head 02/25/2015 11:00:10   
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Amilova: cover




Author : , ,

Team : , , , ,

Translation by : Skinny

Original Language: Français

Releasing pace: Sunday

Type : manga

Genre : Action

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