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TroyB 41

In Translating from french to english... I'm definitely getting better .
It's a nice page to start the week, right ?

TroyB 01/23/2012 09:15:02   
Smiley 8

Hey,who does the coloring !?
The black and white?
Gogeta jr.!?

Smiley 01/24/2012 14:30:54   
TroyB 41

Smiley said:Right!
Hey,who does the coloring !?
The black and white?
Gogeta jr.!?

It's all written under the page . Gogeta does illustration, Robot Panda does the colors from the last 10 pages and the pages before it's Drawly .

TroyB 01/24/2012 14:42:43   
Kostas Ioannidis 1

Is there any chance to see an Amilova anime series in the future? this is pretty interesting.

Kostas Ioannidis 01/24/2012 19:13:53   
Smiley 8

Kostas Ioannidis said:Is there any chance to see an Amilova anime series in the future? this is pretty interesting.

Ναι, στο μέλλον.

Smiley 01/24/2012 19:29:16   
TroyB 41

Smiley said:
Ναι, στο μέλλον.

Beautiful alphabet what is it ?

TroyB 01/25/2012 10:15:53   
Smiley 8

TroyB said:Smiley said:
Ναι, στο μέλλον.

Beautiful alphabet what is it ?

Since his name is Kostas,i presume he is Greek.
Since i am greek,i asked him in our language(my language,if he is not Greek).

Smiley 01/25/2012 17:56:08   
TroyB 41

Kostas Ioannidis said:Is there any chance to see an Amilova anime series in the future? this is pretty interesting.

If you readers are supporting Amilova and make the project really work... there are NO LIMITS !!!
I was talking yesterday with a friend that works in cartoon animation studios and told me that the day we want it, it is possible... so... if we're successfull enough, possible it is .

TroyB 01/25/2012 10:17:17   
ZXkai 2

nice pussy even if it is not clear :P btw good page

ZXkai 01/24/2012 20:00:59   
mcgrnwlf 8

and now a falcon punch moment.
or maybe buster wolf

mcgrnwlf 02/21/2012 04:35:49   
Josh Dufresne 3

good page, remind me not to piss her off

Josh Dufresne 11/20/2012 14:20:55   
Minar 1

she stopped day dreaming so she could kick Raul's ass or maybe she is pissed because he interrupted her day dream either way this fight scene is epic and I totally agree I would love to see this character in motion either in animated form or live action I'd be happy ^^

Minar 03/15/2013 03:16:37   

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Amilova: cover




Author : , ,

Team : , , , ,

Translation by : TroyB

Original Language: Français

Releasing pace: Sunday

Type : manga

Genre : Action

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