Bird - complete "Bird" is a story about a sceptical little girl who seem to care about nothing. Being at a boring summer camp, she hates the thought of bonding with the others. But one night, she hears a ghost story that might make her change her attitude… Communicate, express, understand, don't understand, get lost, find, try to catch whats escaping you. Hi, I am Milena Simeonova. I'm an animation student, who is crazy about comics, currently located in Bulgaria. Since in animation I've been working only on shorts, in comics I'm more interested in developing longer stories with multiple chapters. I’m interested in working in any comic format, though. It’s always exciting to experiment with comic shorts and strips. "Bird" is a very personal project and very important to me. I consider it a big step in my development as a comic artist. But it's up to you to decide if it's good or bad. Follow my thoughts on it on my blog [url][/url] Sun, 08 Sep 2024 03:48:17 +0000 Page: 3 Page: 2 Page: 1