Amilova: chapter 3, page 16 Comments Feed Read the latest comics at Sun, 08 Sep 2024 04:12:24 +0000 ~Tornado GeGe The Almighty Tian Dragon a.k.a. Head said: ~Tornado GeGe The Almighty Tian Dragon a.k.a. Head Yeah noticed it after. I doubt you would still have the link to that cats fanpage haha. This is certainly an interesting comic. Came over here through DBM. Btw just out of curiosity in this comic do you focus more on the art or the script? Wed, 25 Feb 2015 10:10:43 +0000 TroyB said: TroyB Ahah the link is long gone... you're answering a comment from 2011... 4 years ago wow Wed, 25 Feb 2015 08:25:53 +0000 ~Tornado GeGe The Almighty Tian Dragon a.k.a. Head said: ~Tornado GeGe The Almighty Tian Dragon a.k.a. Head Were did you post that link? I'm curious. My first day here btw. Wed, 25 Feb 2015 07:18:57 +0000 TheDifferenceBetweenRightandRight said: TheDifferenceBetweenRightandRight MIAOU MIAOU........... Tue, 19 Mar 2013 16:07:31 +0000 NanaJ said: NanaJ yeah, I agree with Amilova's dad, no balance = problem Thu, 29 Dec 2011 17:54:16 +0000 SlicerInferno said: SlicerInferno im pretty sure Mr. Amilova just described the world in which we live in ........ Sun, 23 Oct 2011 03:28:16 +0000 TroyB said: TroyB jdog said:hey the cat is back i started a fanpage for the cat Links are allowed in comments only for Team Members! I never saw your fanpage . You should be happy with the end of this chapter, the cat has a good place there . Thu, 08 Sep 2011 13:21:46 +0000 TroyB said: TroyB MALEM said:TroyB said:MALEM said:lifeshallend said:i dont know if its my computer or what but i cant read some of the words because they are not in there bubbles The translator who has done that didn't bother to "put" the words in the bubbles. I've fixed that now ! If there is another page like that, notify me or Troy and we'll take care of it. Thanks for answering Malem . Text in capital letters is also evil . It takes a lot of space and sometimes it goes of the bubbles . Or guys thanks for the feedbacks, we're working hard on improving the english versions of Amilova and other comics !!! That wasn't the only page of this chapter Troy ! There were other pages ! A lot of repairing I did last night that I didn't even bother that a new page has come ! I wanted to translate that but good job for translators. Check other pages, most of them are repaired now. Sorry for the inconvenience. Mon, 05 Sep 2011 14:04:39 +0000 MALEM said: MALEM TroyB said:MALEM said:lifeshallend said:i dont know if its my computer or what but i cant read some of the words because they are not in there bubbles The translator who has done that didn't bother to "put" the words in the bubbles. I've fixed that now ! If there is another page like that, notify me or Troy and we'll take care of it. Thanks for answering Malem . Text in capital letters is also evil . It takes a lot of space and sometimes it goes of the bubbles . Or guys thanks for the feedbacks, we're working hard on improving the english versions of Amilova and other comics !!! That wasn't the only page of this chapter Troy ! There were other pages ! A lot of repairing I did last night that I didn't even bother that a new page has come ! I wanted to translate that but good job for translators. Mon, 05 Sep 2011 12:32:43 +0000 TroyB said: TroyB MALEM said:lifeshallend said:i dont know if its my computer or what but i cant read some of the words because they are not in there bubbles The translator who has done that didn't bother to "put" the words in the bubbles. I've fixed that now ! If there is another page like that, notify me or Troy and we'll take care of it. Thanks for answering Malem . Text in capital letters is also evil . It takes a lot of space and sometimes it goes of the bubbles . Or guys thanks for the feedbacks, we're working hard on improving the english versions of Amilova and other comics !!! Mon, 05 Sep 2011 12:00:10 +0000 MALEM said: MALEM lifeshallend said:i dont know if its my computer or what but i cant read some of the words because they are not in there bubbles The translator who has done that didn't bother to "put" the words in the bubbles. I've fixed that now ! If there is another page like that, notify me or Troy and we'll take care of it. Mon, 05 Sep 2011 03:20:27 +0000 lifeshallend said: lifeshallend i dont know if its my computer or what but i cant read some of the words because they are not in there bubbles Mon, 05 Sep 2011 03:09:41 +0000 TroyB said: TroyB MALEM said:Dammit Jdog I can't see the link because the admins are the only ones allowed to post links !!!! Yep but that's going to change . We're workking on "experience levels" for users. So users that will be "level 3 or 4" will be experienced enough to post links. As you've all understood, we've put this rule to avoid spammers or flooders. But that's true that some members have interesting links to share... for them it will be cool to allow links ! Wed, 27 Apr 2011 12:16:39 +0000 TroyB said: TroyB jdog said:hey the cat is back i started a fanpage for the cat Links are allowed in comments only for Team Members! Send me a MP with your link, I'll post it; we're all curious to see your page ! Wed, 27 Apr 2011 12:14:41 +0000 MALEM said: MALEM Dammit Jdog I can't see the link because the admins are the only ones allowed to post links !!!! Wed, 27 Apr 2011 10:24:12 +0000 jdog said: jdog hey the cat is back i started a fanpage for the cat Links are allowed in comments only for Team Members! Tue, 26 Apr 2011 22:22:54 +0000 Thegreatsaiyaman said: Thegreatsaiyaman so the reason they're protesting is because they're poor? What great injustice!!! I shed man tears for the villainy of the world we live in T_T also evil kitten is evil! Tue, 26 Apr 2011 21:53:43 +0000