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Nueva tira de Monster girls on tour parodiando al League of legends
New strip of Monster girls on tour paroding League of legends, switch to english in the site
Nueva tira de Gamergate life, ya nos acusan de cualquier cosa
New gamergate life strip, siwtch to english in the site
Mi versión de Slime para mi comic Monster girls on tour
My version of Slime for my Monster girls on tour comic
Entintado de una ilustración para ZZZ comics
Ink of an illustration for ZZZ comics
Ilustración para el show de Honey badger radio
Illustration for the Honey badger brigade radio show
El comic porno del que fuí entintador salió a la venta pero por alguna razón no figuro en los creditos; no se si es intencionado o no pero tendré que ser yo mismo pues el que me publicite
The adult comic i was hired as inker is out, but for some reason i don't figure in the credits; i don't know if it's a mistake or bad practice, but i guess i will have to publicite me myself
Nueva pagina de Guild adventure
New Guild adventure page, switch to english in the site