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presentation of rawrtacular

Welcome to RAWRtacular! Based in Oslo, Norway, currently producing the manga-style webcomics Back Office and Bata Neart!!

Also producing plenty of nonsense, and loving feedback from one and all! Hope you enjoy reading!

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Sunday screen-toning at the moment. This week's screengrab features the page I posted up earlier in the week. This is after inking, scanning and applying the first tone layers. Shading a light effects will be created later by deleting parts of the basic 'grey' tone, to create the illusion of light.

From RAWRtacular - Original post


This week on Bata Neart...Beers by the lake!

From RAWRtacular - Original post


This week's Bata Neart, and further updates to make! Currently redrawing a 2008 page using newer methods I had learned over the past 4 years.

From RAWRtacular - Original post


This week's Back Office in development, and Rod gets some focus with an entire page about well as some horror :O

From RAWRtacular - Original post


Last week's Bata Neart in production. I was trying a new brush pen for thicker fore-ground outlines. It drew out nice and smoothly, and I kind of like the end result.
If you look below the page, you'll also spot my Japanese hand-pose collection, which was also used on this page to draw a grasping hand.

From RAWRtacular - Original post


This week on Back Office: Shrooms!

From RAWRtacular - Original post


This week on Bata Neart: Underage drinking in Ireland!

From RAWRtacular - Original post


A new scene starts in this week's Back Office. Often I'll draw up a panel like this before continuing with page planning. This 'establishing shot' often helps me decide the mood of the page.

From RAWRtacular - Original post


This week in Back Office: Saved by the Magnu!!

From RAWRtacular - Original post


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