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presentation of rawrtacular

Welcome to RAWRtacular! Based in Oslo, Norway, currently producing the manga-style webcomics Back Office and Bata Neart!!

Also producing plenty of nonsense, and loving feedback from one and all! Hope you enjoy reading!

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Working on some extra material for Back Office Vol 1 over the holiday weekend. What you see here is a rare self appearance in my comics, along with Anna Kathrina!

What are we talking about you wonder? You'll have to buy the upcoming Back Office book to find out, and none of the extra material will appear in the web-comic!

From RAWRtacular - Original post



Belated Back Office update posting! My bad! :)

From @rawrtacular - Original post


Belated Back Office update posting! My bad! :)


Alright…I have no real idea if anyone likes Back Office’s anti-villian, but I always get a kick out drawing him into a scene. Gary himself is roughly based on myself as a TeamLeader in the past…apparently I could be quite evil back then

From RAWRtacular - Original post



Bata Neart - Downfall


The idea here is that: while Ashling is looking on in horror, the pier planks give way and she starts to fall. I’m not too sure if this is clear.

From RAWRtacular - Original post


Happy Sexy Bunny Day 2013! Back Office joins the rest of United Webcomics today to celebrate Easter by putting our...

From @rawrtacular - Original post


Happy Sexy Bunny Day 2013! Back Office joins the rest of United Webcomics today to celebrate Easter by putting our characters in bunny suits! Check out the hilarity!

SBD 2013

This also has the honor of being the very first event of the United Webcomics, of which my humble comics are members of! Hurra!!

From RAWRtacular - Original post


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