"How much will you bet me that the guy over there will suck me off in the bathroom?"
I had gone to the shopping mall with my neighbor to run an errand. We were sitting in the food court when Dave dropped that bomb. I knew him pretty well but not well enough apparently. I nearly spit out my burger.
"What the…?"
"That guy. No, don’t turn around yet. He’s over by the window. The fucker can’t keep his eyes off me. You a betting man? Cause that man’s totally gonna suck me off in the bathroom."
Coming from my married suburban neighborhood, I was guessing this was a load of BS. Still my curiosity was piqued.
"All right," I announced. "Twenty bucks."
Dave grinned and stood up, a little chubbed in his jeans. “There’s a quiet men’s room in the back entrance. Give me ten minutes and follow me there.”
I was watched, jaw dropped, as he walked away and, sure enough, a twenty-something guy moved from the window area to start following him.
From scruffystew - Original post 13Dec2013