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Angel Futa.

Have some photoshopped titties to play with. Click-thru is to the original all-boy version so you can see how I did.

I have great fun doing this, but I’m not terribly happy with my skills yet. That’s not a plea for pats on the head or back, just saying I could (and hope to) get better at this.

Train Ride, Chapter Two will be up tonight.

And here’s a bonus for you: a tiny story to go with the pic.

For Ever and Ever, Amen.

Um, Archangel Phineas?


I- I know you said not to interrupt this part of my heavenly orientation, but—

H- hang o-o-on… Ah! Yes! Yes! Score! *clears throat* Yes, Teddy? Could you start again?

I was just wondering, when do I get my robe and harp?

Oh, that’s for the straight boys and girls. You won’t be needing those here in Futa Heaven.

No? Then what will I be doing?

Well, since you obviously weren’t paying attention, I’ll take you through it again. Don’t worry, though. We have all eternity to go over this to make sure you get it right.


From cockymon - Original post


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the beard is in beast mode.

You mean BEST mode? Or you really mean BEAST mode? Either way it’s hot?

From lolfupizzashit - Original post


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