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I didn’t know NIKITA could be a boy’s name too. Thought it’s the name of some lady assassin.
I like the idea of getting dick-choked, more than actually getting dick-choked.
Yes doctor I can’t feel my clitoris.
I don’t have a clitoris.
The way he looks up to him before he goes down on that dick. That’s LOVE.
(Where was this post last Friday?)
That awkward moment when your concerned friends ask you:
"Oh my god, what’s THAT MARK on your face? Did he hit you?!?!”
It feels easier than saying that you asked to be dick-slapped hard last night, so you answer:
"Yeah, he did."
Down at The Factory
I dress aggressively preppy
Perverse maniac in plaid sheep’s skin
Making casual eye contact randomly
Not you, pretty-face bitch
I was watching the roughneck daddy
Behind you by the rail
He looks kinda ugly but kinda cute
Ten minutes in he makes his way to me
Is this your first time, sweetie?
Calculatedly nervous, I smile yes
But inside I sneer
Can I buy you a beer, or martini?
I don’t drink, sorry
Then why are you here?
I’m curious and I just wanna try it
In the john he fucks me senseless
My general deadness injected
With a rush of adrenaline
Fuck away my worries
Fuck away my ennui
As I jizz
I can feel