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Son? Look, I know you’re out there. I can hear you coughing. And I’m SORRY. I’m sorry I did that to your throat. Daddy lost control. Daddy didn’t know what he was doing. Daddy couldn’t contorl himself! I’m sorry, and I know it means for you your throat will hurt for about a week. I know that. But please…listen to me. That side of Daddy is gone. Now, Daddy is calm and ready to give you a long shower. And I promise I won’t do anything meant to your THROAT…
Can We Fix It….Yes We Can!
I can fix it by: Darian821
Vote 4 Pedro
From cockymon - Original post
SATURDAY NIGHT FUCK: I don’t know how a dude or chick takes a dick this big but I would like to watch :)
Big sexy Latin dick
See what else gives me a boner at
So I’ms slapping down some colour now. ; ;
I had to work on one of my websites today and it’s just drained me.Damnit, look at Bo’s, I want that inside me.