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Character: Slayer.
Game: Dungeon Figther online.
Character: Priest.
Game: Dungeon Figther online.
Character: Priest.
Game: Dungeon Figther online.
Character: Slayer.
Game: Dungeon Figther online.
Bayonetta headed to PlayStation Network next week
Sega today announced that the critically acclaimed Bayonetta will soon be available for download on the PlayStation Network.
Oh looks Bolin’s big fat floppy cock.
(again)I couldn’y decide on what the fuck to do with this one so I just gave up.
So this is why there are two versions, one with a shitty background and another with a shitty background. I’ll get better one day.
I’ve had a boner the whole time drawing this
Remember when I posted this screen shot?
Well here’s the finished version. I really should have added some shitty necklace to make it more punny but ack, it’s been sitting on my HD for hours while I worked on some other things so might as well has floppy fat cock Bolin.I need more D