This is the third installment in our three part mini-series exploring the Damsel in Distress trope in video games. In this episode we examine the rare Dude in Distress role reversal and then take a look at the use of “ironic sexism" in retro inspired indie and mobile games. We conclude with an investigation of some titles that attempt to subvert or deconstruct the traditional damsel narrative.
Watch The Damsel in Distress Part 1
Watch The Damsel in Distress Part 2
Links, resources and a full transcript is available at
You can also watch and share the stand alone version of our "The Legend of the Last Princess" animation on YouTube.
Captions and Subtitles coming soon!
Stop complaining about Shichi “needing help" and just watch this, please. It’s better from Part 1!
From jisuk - Original post 2Aug2013