Ugggh I’m really annoyed at the Simpsons right now and I have to just type this out and get it off my chest and delete it later.
The newest episode is about CBG (Comic Book Guy) getting a Japanese girlfriend. When I read the summary I was like, okay, this sounds awful but it’s the Simpsons I’ll give them a chance. Also it had the Ghibli tribute scene that’s been going around Tumblr which was pretty neat.
The girl, Kumiko, has no personality or purpose other than being in love with CBG. She instantly falls for him for some vague reason (“I think you have great soul.”) and proceeds to hang out with him in kawaii outfits and and get married to him in a kimono. The whole episode enforces tired, shitty stereotypes about Japanese people (with Chinese culture added in too since who can tell the difference they’re all the same thing right?). There’s suicide jokes left and right. And that song she sang as a fairy? thing in a pink schoolgirl outfit was one of the most cringe-worthy things I’ve ever seen.
No matter how mean, awful, and unhygenic you are, there is a beautiful young Japanese girl in a mini skirt just dying to meet her perfect white husbando — ie: you.
From jisuk - Original post 15Jan2014