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presentation of nickmarino

Writer. Cartoonist. Musician. Podcaster.

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On my Nik Furious EP, Super Wet, I have #songs named after characters created by @ImagineTEnding & @79SemiFinalist:

From @nickmarino - Original post


Photoset: I’ve got a new Nik Furious album out today from Silber Records. It’s a 5-minute digital EP...

From @nickmarino - Original post


Nik Furious logo

In the process of sharing some other Nik Furious art ( here: [link] and here: [link] ), I realized that I didn't have my Nik Furious logo here on dA!!

I created this back in 2005 when I first started using the Nik Furious pseudonym. I liked the name because it was an undercover way to let people know that I was musician who was into superhero comics. I assumed that the Nick Fury reference would remain pretty obscure for the rest of my life. I definitely didn't expect the character to become a fucking household name!

The logo is just like my Nik Furious music -- a handmade hybrid of analog and digital. The "Nik Furious" signature was done in my sketchbook over and over until I came up with this design that omitted the vertical bar on the uppercase F. I scanned it in at Kinko's and proceeded to make business cards out of it.

At the time, MySpace was huge and I was getting a decent amount of traffic to my Nik Furious page. But the signature by itself looked kinda sterile. So I set about coming up with a design that would accent the signature with some color and shape.

I had the idea of creating digital images of a microphone and a record, which is sort of ironic considering that Nik Furious music is instrumental and I don't DJ on vinyl. I made both of the digital images, but decided the microphone was too boring to use. But I dug the record! It was another silent nod to comic book fans, implying the logo of the X-Men character, Havok. I slapped my signature on top of the digital record and splashed the image with purple. I loved it!

As I said earlier, it mirrors the creation process of my music. Pretty much everything in my songs is done by hand. I don't sequence or use a beat making program. I use a drum machine often, but all of my loops are hand-programmed and painfully constructed. My other instruments are always played by hand, often mixing in guitars, basses, and other live percussion into my synth-heavy sound.

I think that personal touch brings passion to my music. Not that you can't have passion through other means of production, even automated ones!! It's just that I've found my sound by blending analog methods of performing and recording with electronic instruments and digital editing. At least, I hear the soul in what I do. I hope you do too :)[link]


From - Original post


final Super Wet cover

This is the finished version of the album cover for my new Nik Furious EP that's out today: [link]

It's my second cover concept, focusing on the relationships between the colors and the implied motion of the composition. I used the digital brush strokes and text to suggest a slight vortex, (hopefully!) pulling you into the center of the image.

Here's my first idea for the album cover: [link]


From - Original post


scrapped Super Wet cover

A new Nik Furious EP is out today. It features five minutes of unique instrumental songs: [link]

I wanted to create a cover that encapsulated the eerie nature of the music. My first concept was a play on my character Iye.

While I think this image is fun, I'm glad I scrapped it for something a bit more abstract and refined: [link]


From - Original post


I've got a new digital Nik Furious #EP out today from @silberspy. It's 5 minutes of unique instrumental #music:

From @nickmarino - Original post


This story was a beast!! But I got it done by the deadline. Sorta. Only a few hours late! #comics #dragons #zelda

From @nickmarino - Original post


But that's just me being a backseat director. I dug what I saw!!!

From @nickmarino - Original post


Also: video games!! Such a big deal for kids growing up in the past 30 years. A medium that deals w/ the notion of interactivity and agency.

From @nickmarino - Original post


Film did a great job of covering female-led TV action shows in the 70s but I think there was a lot going on in film that's worth discussing.

From @nickmarino - Original post


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