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Also, that part when Wolvie does the Superman above the subway. Hilarious.
From @nickmarino - Original post
"This year... When he's most vulnerable... he's most dangerous." Hahaha!! maximum cheesy. #Wolverine #trailer
From @nickmarino - Original post
hahaha why did Twitter deform my image??? i uploaded it a second time and it's still all stretched out. odd.
From @nickmarino - Original post
Here's what I've got going on over in @super_haters today... … #NSFW #comics #funny #butt
From @nickmarino - Original post
From nickmarino - Original post
Will @rosscampbelll ever get drunk? Are bars making @79SemiFinalist's life better? Why did I quit drinking? #podcast
From @nickmarino - Original post
RT @super_haters: Super Haters #466: Wherein Mr. Magnifico rubs a baby between his butt cheeks. @IncredimanDude Guest Week pt 2 #comics
From @nickmarino - Original post
@rosscampbelll yeah, she's pretty great!! that's probably my favorite of the Sleepy stories so far.
From @nickmarino - Original post
@woozle is the man you???
From @nickmarino - Original post