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Aaaaaand the 2nd of 3 new pages is up here:
Tales of the Winterborn - Fantasy - SF (Ch.6-P.2)
Free online mangas. More than 549 comics / mangas on
As the latest pages were ready early, we're posting early
Look out for Chapter 6 page 2 tomorrow and Chapter 6 page 3 on Thursday.
The start of this chapter deals with Rachel McKinnock making a change in her life that will lead to quite a big change in her relationship with Samantha Winter. Given how turbulent their love life has been, will this be a change that finally settles the couple, or tears them apart? All will be revealed by the end of the chapter.
Ooh...that's another chapter finished actually. Next week, we're onto chapter 6
12Apr2013Just posted 3 new pages! Yay!