Hello everyone.
jeje That´s right... The last thing I know about her is that she was not very happy of the ending of my comic Arkham Roots... But I hope she is fine a (...)
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Hello everyone.
jeje That´s right... The last thing I know about her is that she was not very happy of the ending of my comic Arkham Roots... But I hope she is fine a (...)
ARKHAM roots
Chapter: 4
page: 18
ARKHAM roots
Chapter: 1
page: 1
ARKHAM roots
Chapter: 14
page: 23
ARKHAM roots
Chapter: 14
page: 9
ARKHAM roots
Chapter: 5
page: 12
ARKHAM roots
Chapter: 12
page: 8
ARKHAM roots
Chapter: 5
page: 12
ARKHAM roots
Chapter: 3
page: 12
ARKHAM roots
Chapter: 1
page: 13
ARKHAM roots
Chapter: 14
page: 13
¿Alguien sabría decirme porque se pone la piel así?
From Arkham Roots - Original post
Teóricos de la conspiración...
en mi pais realmente tratan mal a las gallinas, las encierran dentro de jaulas tan pequeñas y se ve su tristeza en sus ojos, no kikiriquean ni emiten ningun sonido, se permanecen inmoviles dentro de sus jaulas esperando su inminente destino. claro que al humano en general no le importa esto, yo lo u...