Hi there!! =D
As I told you before, I’m working in my free time on a set of free resources for indie/amateur visual novels as you can already find some here.
But this time it’s quite ambitious, as I would like it to contain sprites (standing characters), backgrounds, CG (illustration), and even textboxes and chibis unlike the other sets I had done until now. The aim would be to make a set that would enable people who may not have the time/the money/the skill to find an artist/do their own art for their game.
It’s really ambitious as it means making enough characters/CG/background to allow a real freedom when someone wants to use the ressources, and not to impose something because there are no horror-CG/School-background…
I think it may actually take something like a year to make it ^^” So until then I’ll show sneak-peeks here but with a matermark and low-res, to keep the real thing for the complete set (that will be realeased under the CC-3.0-BY licence) =P
For now only one background is finished WITH variations, the one up there, the forest. I also worked on the main-characters-sprite design, a girl and a boy of course =) I already have around 10 poses for sprites, I just wonder wether it would be interesting to make several outfit for them (a bit of zeal maybe? XD)
What do you think?
From hidden-masquerade - Original post 8May2015