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presentation of Didules

|☆| Didules |☆| Makku |☆| Dids |☆|

|✲| Procastrinatrice lvl: pro
|✲| Rêveuse lvl: émérite
|✲| Traductrice lvl: amateur

|❥| Dealeuse de courage
|❥| Distributrice de pavés

|☂| Quest: dessineuse
|☂| Status: just begins

|❁| Motto: "Viser grand, commencer petit!"

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Hey hey hey!
Comme promis, le retour de temps à autres!
J'avance lentement sur le dessin steamunk, je pense qu'à l'avenir je ne montrerais plus de screens d'ailleurs, 3 ça me paraît bien assez, je voudrais pas que vous puissiez trop deviner non plus > <
En tout tente des trucs. Ca marchera ou pas, mais ça m'amuse. (Sauf le décor dans le fond, c'est pas drôle ça). (Ah, et ceci est un WIP bien sûr =D )

Partage d'infos!
J'avais promis une chaîne youtube, un autre webcomic, une interviex et d'autres trucs random, et bah c'est parti!

Le webcomic: WILDE LIFE! Urban Fantasy entre traditionnel avec un retour aux bases, fantôme, sorcière et compagnie, avec un côté plutôt exotique de la petite ville américaine, un rythme très tranche-de-vie, des graphismes très beaux (ne vous fiez pas au line des premières pages), une perle dans le genre si vous aimez

Une chaîne youtube: Sycra! Cette chaîne est pour les dessineux et ceux qui sont curieux, pleine de bonne trouvaille, avec une petite préférence sur la vidéo pour se constituer des palettes et sur les critiques qui permettent d'apprendre par l'exemple, en comprenant vraiment ce qui est expliqué avec appui (ce qui rend parfois le rythme des vidéos un peu discutable, je l'avoue).


Art videos that inspire, instruct, and entertain... New videos every Wednesday! FAQ: Q. What program do you use to paint and draw in? A. I am currently using...

Mine de rien, si vous avez un peu de temps, une vidéo de temps en temps ça passe crème!

Une interviex d'Aerinn! (Oui je fangirle!)
Plus sérieusement, le point le plus intéressant à mon avis, celui qui ouvre le plus les yeux c'est celui "QUELQUES CONSEILS" sur la "théorie du scénario", elle y conseille notamment de lire John Truby (que je me suis empressée de faire, curieuse que je suis), et c'est du lourd. En fait non, ma réaction a plutôt été "comment j'ai pu prétendre construire une histoire sans rien savoir de tout ça?!". Entre exemples concrets et amusants, conseils "flash" encadrés et exercices didactiques, même sans avoir tout lu ce bouquin est une révolution majeure quand on veut écrire des histoires. L'anatomie du Scénario. Un must. Aerinn, je sais que tu ne passeras pas, mais merci.

Et, heu, random? Nouvelle rubrique, rubrique coup de coeur inspiration!
Une magnifique série de photo immortalisant la splendeur des cheveux de feu. Certaines photos sont juste sublime, incroyable, magnifique. Ca prend 2 minutes pour regarder le photos, pas besoin de lire le texte, mais juste magnifique. ♥

"Freckles" la série de photo qui célebre la rousseur par Maja Topcagic | Graine de Photographe The Blog

Maja Topcagic est une photographe bosniaque. Dans sa serie "Freckles" elle rend hommage à la rousseur au travers de magnifiques portraits de jeunes filles rousses.

Voilà c'est tout pour ce mois-ci, j'espère que vous avez appréciez au moins un des liens partagés Je vous dis à la prochaine, et merci au courageux qui ont tout lu


@Didules : XD De rien ! Et merci à Era pour m'avoir rejointe, j'aurais fini par me sentir seule ! :D
Oui j'aime beaucoup ce genre de belles photos, c'est rare mais qu'est-ce que ça fait du d'en d'en voir !

@Aël: Oui, ravie de voir que 2 personnes lisent en entier aussi, c'est bête mais ça a un côté rassurant XD
Okay, donc je garde la rubrique photo à l'avenir, c'est sympa en plus, ça change des liens que je partage généralement :)

Ca avance bien tout ça ! Bon courage ! :D
J'ai pas tout lu désolée. TwT

@Velkia: Vii, ça avance bien mais j'ai quand même peur de pas finir à temps vu que je dois partiellement reprendre le cadrage, la perspective et la palette 8'D
T'inquiète je tiens rigueur à personne si on n'a pas forcément le temps ou l'envie de lire mes pavés XD

Ça faisait longtemps =)
Et l'absence risque de durer hélas! 8'D

Cela mis à part, ce que vous voyez plus haut est un petit preview de ma participation au concours Steampunk d'amilova, sujet à encore des milliers de changements si je décide finalement que cette technique de lineart ne me convient pas ou que je change enfin la position des bras DX
Un petit lien vers le topic s'il avait échappé à certains
Le concours dure jusqu'au 31 octobre et est ouvert à tous les membres d'amilova!!! ^o^)/

Bon, en termes de partages si habituels à mes posts ici...
Pour les dessineux, voilà un petit tuto anglais pour faire de beaux nuages, très franchement ça marche assez bien et c'est pas très difficile, nickel donc!

Niveau divertissement lecture, voilà un petit webcomic de l'écurie HiveWorks très bien, nordique à souhait, si jamais comme moi vous craquez sur l'esthétique scandinave! L'histoire en est encore à ses débuts mais le monde se développe déjà bien et a l'air d'être d'une grande richesse!

Divertissement audio-visuel maintenant, avec les films de fin d'étude de l'école des Gobelins édition 2015! Personnelement je suis soufflée, comme toujours avec cette école! Much admiration, such talent!

Et dans la rubrique artiste à suivre, sortons de la sphère amilovienne pour faire un tour sur DeviantArt, dans les paysages ravissants et fantastiques de NoahBradley, si ce type n'est pas un artiste incroyable, je ne sais vraiment pas qui peut être considéré comme tel!

noahbradley on DeviantArt

I'm a concept artist & illustrator.

Voilà c'est tout pour ce mois-ci, j'espère que vous avez appréciez au moins un des liens partagés Pour la prochaine fois, une chaîne youtube, un autre webcomic, une interview, et pleins de trucs random que je trouverais d'ici là!!
Bonne journée à vous et merci d'avoir lu jusqu'ici!!


Le voilà!
Peu de textes, beaucoup d'images, c'est facile à lire même si c'est en anglais, globalement il "retrace juste" comment il est devenu ce qu'il est aujourd'hui, mais il précise surtout certaines opportunités qu'il a su saisir, les choix difficiles qu'il a pu faire, et là où ça l'a mené. Et rien que ça, ça pète la classe 8)

Merci è_é/ et t'inquiète pour l'anglais, c'est absolument pas un problème xD.

Quand tu regardes sur le google play store, le commentaire français le plus courants est "c bien mais c domage que ce soi en anglais" (avec sa variante "c bien mai c domage quon doit payé" juste derrière), du coup on finit par prévenir quoi XD

=/) je compatis.


GHC #13 - Big Ideas for such Small Hands

From hidden-masquerade - Original post


Onze nuits

Chapter: 1 page: 29




We wanted to make Android versions of our games for a while now and here it finally is: Being Beauteous is now available on Google Play. You can read the visual novel on your phone! I’m so proud *__*.

From hidden-masquerade - Original post


Encore un WIP moe pour fêter une fin de chapitre ! °u° J'ai terminé le chapitre 5, plus que l'épilogue et le tome 1 sera terminé ! Je suis largement dans les temps c'est cool, le tome 2 va être entamé plus vite que prévu à ce rythme (à vrai dire j'ai déjà entamé une certaine partie du scénario~). >, <

Il me tarde vraiment d'avoir terminé le premier volume pour que tout le monde puisse le lire ! C'est frustrant de dessiner sans pouvoir le partager avec vous. uwu


xDDD "Adoptez un Axel et vous aurez du moe pour l'année" c'est le message subliminal que ce wip m'inspire! =D

Content de voir que ça avance bien de ton coté. :)

J'ai trop hâte de le lire ce tome! x3 En tout cas bravo pour ton avancée, tu speede! :D

*Lance des paillettes joyeusement partout*
Félicitations, tu avances à un rythme d'enfer! Tu gères!
Axel est vraiment super mignon sur cette preview XD

Kiri > Ouiii, du moe, du feu pour la cheminée, et des patates pelées (private joke à moi-même vu que personne peu lire. On fait avec ce qu'on peut hein T_T). N'est-il pas parfait ce petit ? -°w°-

Saza > Merci, je continue de faire de mon mieux. >,
Didules > Des paillettes ! *w* Merci, je bosse à fond !


Thoughts on Amnesia: Memories

I recently fully completed Amnesia so I decided to write down some of my thoughts on the game. While a part of this is from the perspective of a consumer, a great deal of it is actually from the perspective of a developer that makes otome games. In that way this is more an analysis than a review or even a critique. I want to learn from this game, both what it does well and also it’s faults. I’m going to try and refrain from major spoilers, but in order to discuss this game I’m going to have to reveal some things, so if you wish to play the game in the future relatively blind I would advise reading no further!

I bought Amnesia both on Steam and on iOS. I couldn’t play on Steam since I own a Mac and I didn’t want to jump through hoops, so I played through exclusively on my phone. Generally I was playing blind, though I knew about the cage thing. You play as a nameable protagonist that ends up with Amnesia through fantastical means. You then get to chose one of several worlds to enter that you then have to navigate without your memories. There is a romanceable male in each world and he tends to be the cornerstone of whatever plot you land in. Overall I had a lot of fun playing the game and I don’t regret the money I spent. That said, I think it has a lot of wasted potential as well. It’s an adequate game where I really think it could have been amazing.

(It’s a little on the long side)

Afficher davantage

Hi there !

This is a bit unusual but as Amnesia: Memories went out on sale a few weeks ago, I think it’d be interesting to share some thoughts on it.

Up there is a great article on what Auro-Cyanide thought of it, I’ll only be adding things to what she wrote since I agree on the most part with what she wrote. So I strongly advise you to read her article before reading down there.

I have to say first that I bought it on Steam and played on my computer, which has a very big big screen (27 inch or so).

This may be long…

(I’ll be translating this into french soon, both what Auro-Cyanide wrote and my own thoughts)


The backgrounds are really just functional, though sometimes I’d question their choice of colors and contrasts to make us feel “morning” (green/blue with high contrast seems weird to me, but at least the characters are saying that we’re in the morning, so whatev’) They were efficient enough and didn’t catch much of the attention, so we could focus on the sprites, that are really beautiful, with wonderful coloring skills!

As Auro-cyanide said, the art is beautiful, the CG are very dynamic and the choices of colors are very good. Overall it’s a wonder for the eyes (though you may have to pass the anatomy weirdness quite typical from otome-games/things targeted at girls).


Auro-cyanide also has pointed out that there were some unused potential for the sprites, be it in their clothing (so weird for the setting) or the spade/clover/heart/etc things that were in fact only used at the very beginning to choose the worlds. But I’ll come to this later, probably in “missed potentials” or in “overall”.

I also have to say that the quality of most of the art is satisfying on a very large screen, if we forget the transition with actual faces of the characters, which were really pixelated. Good job, Idea Factory, you got me! ;)

The transitions with sketches of situations with the characters were really cute and really helped to get into the game, there were more than welcomed and highly helped ellipsis to work well.

The GUI is simple, effective.

AND! Excellent idea to do “back sprites”, because it helps when there are some confrontations between characters to see them facing each other, it’s a good use of sprites to make the story even more immersive through the art.

Very good job, Idea Factory XD

CONTENT: as for the content, I mostly agree with what Auro-cyanide said.

On consent, I felt like there was a huge mistake from the writers on the “If we’re alone, I might do something to you. I won’t. But I could.” I’m not against such sentences occuring once in a while, but this clearly wasn’t needed in some routes (for instance Kent is really prone to respect the “basic steps” of a relationship being together è holding hands è kissing è more, so it was really weird to have him say something like this!). Moreover, I think it completely destroys any tries at making the MC and the love interest equal in the relationship. I’ll come to it later, but I often felt than the love interest had the upper hand in the relationship and when they say this it felt like they were stating how powerful they were, but please, thank them for being so magnanimous and not jumping on you right now! =______= “

Or was it that we’re supposed to feel flattered? (Sounds like “she asked for it” indeed -___-)



And here comes another blank-but-not-really slate character. As far as I’m concerned I was okay with her choices biasing the whole “completely blank main character” because I really think that if I had amnesia it wouldn’t change completely my personality, so I take it that the protagonist still had a sort of “basis of personality” that didn’t go away.

However her “blank-but-not-really slate” character soon became boring. I’m not fond of such characters.

She was actually much more interesting in the side stories, much more cynical, fun, and dynamic! It’s a shame they didn’t really give us such choices during the actual game because then maybe it’d have been more interesting and easier to self-insert!

I also have to say that I didn’t really get into the story, I was fairly exterior to everything in the game, not afraid during frightening moments, nope, nothing…


Orion really needs his part. Okay, this may have been an interesting ideas: because the main character was blank-but-not-really slate, there was a character to make all the narration for her.

Let’s pay tribute to the Voice actor too, because he’s really good. But he couldn’t save the character.

At the beginning Orion is bearable, he’s weirdly cute and quite help to make some reasoning and giving us pros and cons of each choice. But honestly, after playing it for the 3rd time I was like: “GIVE ME BACK MY MEMORIES SO THAT ORION WILL JUST SHUT UP!!!!”. He says everything, everything you can think off. Wanna talk about the weather? He will! Wonder if Rika really is a b*? He will say it aloud! He often says things really obvious, and started being really disturbing at the 3rd playthrough, making me wonder if adding a button to turn off his voice would be a good idea…

However he’s fairly needed in the last route, Ukyo’s. Meh. Okay.

The Routes:

I played in this order: Shin -> Kent -> Ikki -> Tôma -> Ukyo, but by personal faves go like this: Kent>Ukyo>Shin>Ikki>Tôma.

Shin’s route was more focused on mystery-solving than sappy cheesy romance so it was fine. A bit boring because he did everything without telling you so it’s not like there’s an actual work of investigation, most of the time you just try and find some memories, obey him whenever he asks something and stay there. I got the good ending first (because I’m calculative enough), but the normal ending is much more interesting to my mind.

Ikki’s route was a bit boring, it was motivated by some random clichés that were hard to bear sometimes, with a strong tendency to romance and misunderstanding. The real motive of the whole story is you wondering “did I like him before because now I don’t know and I don’t understand him”, which is a bit light, but they managed to make it just dark enough so that it’d be interesting. I got the good ending first.

Kent was by far my favorite. His route is much lighter than the others, and mostly focus on romance, however his personality saves it all. The calm rational guy really is my fave, besides he seems to be the only character with sane reactions (although a bit clichés sometimes). Good ending playing naturally, and to me it’s probably one of the best routes and endings of the game.

Toma’s route was…fairly uninteresting. Again it’s slightly mystery but you’re not told anything, and Toma always overreacting and going overboard. And honestly, I hated the fact that in the good end, you forgive him and have no further explanations. Apart from that, meh.

Ukyo is more interesting in terms of plot. He unfolds everything and then you learn than even the random annoying talks about weather had some kind of importance. Apart from that, I completely agree with what Auro-Cyanide wrote about time-frame. They’ve been going out for 2 months but he was ready to throw everything away just to save her? However that’s one thing about otome-games: love is absolute (and corrupt absolutely…). I didn’t really like the fact that this route is implied as the “True Ending” of the game though, I’d rather have my fave ending as the true one XP


Overall it’s clearly a good game, and I had fun while playing. It’s worth its price, and if I seem to be very critic of the game, it’s not because it’s not good (clearly), it’s because it could have been much better.


Let me explain… The idea of parallel world has a huge potential. The designs had huge potential, they really set an entire atmosphere all alone. Some route really had potential, mystery, darkness, questioning communication in a couple, motivations, the right to do wrong things and atone for it, the characters also had a real potential, but overall it seems to have been forgotten often, and this high potential didn’t get used. The story could have been so much more effective! So much more immersive!

In fact I had to read the bonus stories (the ones from the guy point of view, not the useless memories ones that were too much, didn’t bring much more than the game did and spoiled some cute ellipsis) to get to like some characters! Once I read Ikki one, I replayed the game and it felt slightly better! Once I played Shin one, I could understand why he wouldn’t want to go back to being treated like a childhood friend! I even got to like Mine (until then I was completely indifferent to her character). The character development that should have been made ingame just wasn’t there, and the involvement ingame suffered from this (apart from Kent’s route that focused more on the characters).

Those extra stories also made me realize that the main character could have been interesting XD It’s a shame but I enjoyed the extra stories more than the real game sometimes!


In the end, it’s a really good game as it is, worth its prize, with top-notch art and voice-acting. An excellent dark game with a high replay-value. If you don’t like game that only focus on cheesy pink romance and slice-of-life, go for it!

Even for developers it should be useful, there are many things to learn from (transitions, coloring, GUI, characterization, …)


From hidden-masquerade - Original post



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