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Camp Zone - Amelia Jyk

:iconcamp-zone: :iconcamp-zone: :iconcamp-zone:
There is one of the Camp Leader, Amelia Jyk !
She manage the Volcarus Area, in the West of the land.

Name : Amelia Jyk
Age : 21 years old
Gender : Female
Weight : N/A
Height : 4' 7"
Rank : Leader
Area : Volcarus Area

Items : Cigarette - Magma Rock - Leader Badge - Bones
Weapon : Sceptre

Personnality : Angry - Vulgar - Combative - Energetic
History : She was born at the Camp, and grews up in. She won a lot of battles and finally became Leader when the last had the choose the next leader, for her force and her courage

Likes :
- Fire/Magma/Flames
- Smoke
- Hot Chocolate
- Sugar
Dislikes :
- Cold
- Lircen Miur

Extra Facts : None

Icon : :iconamelia-jykplz:


From - Original post


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