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presentation of Thania

Shirine || 13 ans || Hipster || (ʘ‿ʘ✿)

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Bonjour à vous, Thania vous salue !
Bonjour à vous, faire cette présentation va me tuer mentalement, car je suis super timide donc bon. .-. Je me présente sous le pseudo Thania, même si (...)

Bonjour à vous, Thania vous salue !
Kirieh : oooooh, Le chocolat c'est bon aussi ! Même si dommage pour moi, je prends un traitement trèèès important qui m'interdit de manger de chocolat (...)

Bonjour à vous, Thania vous salue !
Kirieh : Ahaha, heureusement. Dommage, je n'aime que ceux au chocolat uwu Lux : Merci du Lien, et merci de l'aide !

Bonjour à vous, Thania vous salue !
burricher : Si tu savais. Je ne mange pas de porcs question religion, je m'enfonce dans le puit du désespoir :')

Quand il faut y aller.. Faut y aller !
Sortie de maladie, en plein manque d'inspiration, et n'arrivant plus à dessiner. Je peux annoncer que JE POSTE \O/ Je préviens d'avance, de mon point (...)

Bonjour à vous, Thania vous salue !
Kirieh : Ne t'inquiète pas, si c'était un truc du genre, j'aurai abandonné ce traitement depuis longtemps. NON. JE MANGE DES CANDY CORNS. PARCE QUE LE (...)

Bonjour à vous, Thania vous salue !
Black-Plume : Merci à toi, même si tu n'aimes pas les cookies, après tout, chacuns ses goûts ouo Kirieh : Tu n'as jamais goûté ? Dommage, j'espère qu (...)

Bonjour à vous, Thania vous salue !
Kirieh : Merci à Toi !

Bonjour à vous, Thania vous salue !
drac : Merci, j'y suis déjà allé, dommage, il n'y a pas beaucoup de scénaristes avec des scénarios fantasiste, non futuriste. Je n'aime pas et je ne s (...)

Bonjour à vous, Thania vous salue !
burricher : Un flemmard ? On est deux, je suis vraiment paresseuse ! ^^" Hum, un scénario sur mesure.. Ca dépend en fait, si tu arrives (et si tu veux (...)

Bonjour à vous, Thania vous salue !
Alors, déjà, bien sur les planches tarderont uuuuun peu à arriver, car ces temps-ci je suis inscrites à pas mal de concours sur deviantArt, mais ne t' (...)

Bonjour à vous, Thania vous salue !
Koragg : Merci vraiment de ton aide, sauf que je suis pas aidée, vue que les livraisons prennent 1 mois pour arriver.. Vive internet pour les référenc (...)

Bonjour à vous, Thania vous salue !
Oh mon dieu. Vive ma mémoire qui se réduit à celle d'un poisson rouge, j'avais oublié juste de te parler d'un truc. C'était genre une touuute petite i (...)

Bonjour à vous, Thania vous salue !
drac : JAMAIS. I DON'T DRAW NUDE. 8U burricher : ajouté ouo

Bonjour à vous, Thania vous salue !
drac : Ce Topic devient trèèès bizarre :')

Projet Self-service Punch
ch3w : Merci de t'inquièter, mais ne t'inquiète pas, j'ai aussi supprimer des choses du scénario pendant le brainstorming. Donc bon, ce n'est pas si c (...)

Quand il faut y aller.. Faut y aller !
Kirieh : ;3; come in my arms little cutie. Et merci ! ;A; burricher : jhudseiurzioa merci oAo _______________________________________________________ (...)


Camp Zone - Glafiah Environemment

:iconcamp-zone: :iconcamp-zone: :iconcamp-zone:
Glafiah, the snowy area, where Lircen manage all the things !
Lircen :…
Map :…


From - Original post


Camp Zone - Territories in colors

:iconcamp-zone: :iconcamp-zone: :iconcamp-zone:
For all the regions informations, visit the other map ==>…

North Region - Quintus Area - Green

East Region - Khordel Area - Yellow

West Region - Volcarus Area - Brown

South Region - Glafiah Area - Blue


From - Original post


Camp Zone - Territories

:iconcamp-zone: :iconcamp-zone: :iconcamp-zone:
yeah finally, THE MAP.
I used this video, all the links for the textures are in the description =>…
I credit Celianna for the textures, and the other things.

Quintus - North Territory
Leader : Ocesia Vanionne ==>…
Capital City : Lanrur
Towns : Callan - Sibagne
Climate : Hot - Dry
Environemment : Desert with many oasis, including the towns. Except the northern region, where there is a thick forest.

Glafiah - South Territory
Leader : Lircen Miur ==>…
Capital City : Itrail
Towns : Oranche - Caper
Climate : Wet - Glacial - Snowy
Environemment : A lot of snowy mountains, where the cold is the master.

Khordel - East Territory
Leader : Beonith Pencecice ==>…
Capital City : Afonnus
Towns : Nidac
Climate : Wet - Ideal Temperature
Environemment : A Tropical environemment : a lot of trees, of rivers, and of plains.

Volcarus - West Territory
Leader : Amelia Jyk ==>…
Capital City : Treropois
Towns : Eonralm
Climate : Extremely Hot - Brulant - Sunny
Environemment : Land burnt by the surrounding volcanoes. Has only a few land where grass can grow


From - Original post


Gift for Chloe~

Sorry for don't using Shade in my burst entry, but i had to do fast ;3;

Gift for :iconforever-fireball:
Character belong to :iconforever-fireball:


From - Original post


Camp Zone - Lircen Miur

:iconcamp-zone: :iconcamp-zone: :iconcamp-zone:
There is one of the Camp Leader, Lircen Miur !
He manage the Glafiah Area, in the South of the land.

Name : Lircen Miur
Age : 24 years old
Gender : Male
Weight : 47 kg
Height : 6'
Rank : Leader
Area : Glafiah Area

Items : Snow balls - Furring - Leader Badge
Weapon : Bow & Arrows

Personnality : Cold - Calm - Shy
History : He was born in the Glafiah Area, the snowy one. He was going to die, because he was too much cold, but he survived. This is why he has a blue skin.

Likes :
- Cold
- Furring
- Tea
- Hot Water Source
- Poncho
Dislikes :
- Hot things
- Be Ignored

Extra Facts : None

Icon : :iconjircen-miurplz:


From - Original post


Camp Zone - Ocesia Vanionne

:iconcamp-zone: :iconcamp-zone: :iconcamp-zone:
There is one of the Camp Leader, Ocesia Vanionne !
He manage the Quintus Area, in the North of the land.

Name : Ocesia Vannione
Age : 16 years old
Gender : Female
Weight : 35 kg
Height : 4" 2"
Rank : Leader
Area : Quintus Area

Items : Paint - Brushes - Leader Badge
Weapon : Claws

Personnality : Active - Energetic - Happy - Friendly
History : Ocesia wasn't born in the Camp. At 12, she went to the Camp : All her family died during an horrible disease. She wasn't really appreciated by the other campers, but when the Last Quintus' Leader seen her, he give her a chance to be appreciated.

Likes :
- Love
- Friends
- Peoples
- Other Leaders
Dislikes :
- Be Alone
- Bad Guys

Extra Facts : None


From - Original post


Camp Zone - Beonith Pencecice

:iconcamp-zone: :iconcamp-zone: :iconcamp-zone:
There is one of the Camp Leader, Beonith Pencecice !
He manage the Khordel Area, in the East of the land.

Name : Beoniht Pencecice
Age : 22 years old
Gender : Male
Weight : 47 kg
Height : 5' 3"
Rank : Leader
Area : Khordel Area

Items : Pearls - Gold Coins - Leader Badge
Weapon : Saber

Personnality : Active - STUPID - Late -
History : Like Amelia, Beonith was born in the Camp. His father was the Leader, the leader of the Khordel Area. When this one became old, he let his son manage the area. When his Father died, he continue to take care of Khordel.

Likes :
- Money
- Men
- Clouds
- Sell things
Dislikes :
- Women
- Others Leaders

Extra Facts : He's Gay. 8U


From - Original post


Camp Zone - Amelia Jyk

:iconcamp-zone: :iconcamp-zone: :iconcamp-zone:
There is one of the Camp Leader, Amelia Jyk !
She manage the Volcarus Area, in the West of the land.

Name : Amelia Jyk
Age : 21 years old
Gender : Female
Weight : N/A
Height : 4' 7"
Rank : Leader
Area : Volcarus Area

Items : Cigarette - Magma Rock - Leader Badge - Bones
Weapon : Sceptre

Personnality : Angry - Vulgar - Combative - Energetic
History : She was born at the Camp, and grews up in. She won a lot of battles and finally became Leader when the last had the choose the next leader, for her force and her courage

Likes :
- Fire/Magma/Flames
- Smoke
- Hot Chocolate
- Sugar
Dislikes :
- Cold
- Lircen Miur

Extra Facts : None

Icon : :iconamelia-jykplz:


From - Original post


Hopes Peak Academy - Ambre Mevel

:iconhopespeakacademy: :iconhopespeakacademy: :iconhopespeakacademy:

*Really happy because this group is going to be awesome ouo*
Open this grouuuuup~

Name: Ambre Mevel
Age: 14 years old
Height: 5'
Weight: 34 kg
Gender: Female
DOB: 4th July

SHSL: Super High School Level Designer
Ethnicity/Race: Born in France, Live in England
Extra Features: An Earing the right Ear : A little diamond.
Weapon: N/A

:bulletgreen: Personality: She is a little impatient, but really sensible of blood. She is usually really nice, but can be really agressive really easily, this is why she try to keep calm, and don't answer.
:bulletgreen: Likes:
- Flowers
- Drawings
- All kind of art
- Dreams
- Sweeties
:bulletgreen: Dislikes:
- Be Alone
- Blood
- Murderers
:bulletgreen: Additional Info: N/A

:bulletgreen: History/Family: When Ambre was born, her mother died during the childbirth. The father, terrified by the death of his wife, began to drink, leaving her daughter. Amber was taken in by her aunt, who spent a fortune to bring his daughter into a good school. She became a graduate of it early, and built his own design company.
:bulletgreen: RP Sample: Example : Ambre sit down at the table, and look at all the students.
For the "RP Sample" sorry, but i don't have imagination for the little sentence x')


From - Original post


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