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— Videogame Heroines ABC Round 2 —

We start off this new series with a bang - the infamous Alpha Star (alias for Andy Lake) from the superhero tactical-RPG “Justice Defenders 2”!

Alpha Star, street-punk-turned-hero, wielding the Four Bangle allowing her to manipulate the four primary elements, was the antagonist of the previous game, but critical acclaim made her return in an lead role for the sequel in what was arguably the best part of the game, when the party splits up to defend the town.

The game had a peculiar structure, aiming to contextualize dramatic events during battles. It tried giving each scenario a specific and singular gimmick, such as the helicopter escape here, where movement was limited to the predefinite path of the craft, making the order in which to dispatch targets the key to winning.

**Please note : this character and game are actually fictional :-)**

From pehesse - Original post


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