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presentation of chachy

Je suis fan de manga et de toute histoire!
Je sais très bien dessiner des mangas mais les histoires ne volent pas haut!
Envoyer-moi un message si vous crée des articles sur le forum!
Je me ferai une joie de les lire!

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Translator Points: 7



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chachy's blog

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Mechanical heart Chapter: 5 page: 8

His Feelings Chapter: 11 page: 2

Mechanical heart Chapter: 5 page: 9

Vasaïma Chapter: 9 page: 8


Mechanical heart Chapter: 5 page: 8

Vasaïma Chapter: 9 page: 7

His Feelings Chapter: 11 page: 1

Journal intime d'un supermarché Chapter: 5 page: 9


Mechanical heart

Chapter: 5 page: 7

My personal Star !

Chapter: 1 page: 31


Marianne Chapter: 8 page: 7

Marianne Chapter: 8 page: 8

Marianne Chapter: 8 page: 9

Chapter: 1 page: 45

Angelic Kiss Chapter: 15 page: 41

Mechanical heart Chapter: 5 page: 7

His Feelings Chapter: 10 page: 19


Mechanical heart

Chapter: 5 page: 2


La légende de Grimbelyn Chapter: 2 page: 28

Marianne Chapter: 7 page: 30

Marianne Chapter: 8 page: 2

Marianne Chapter: 8 page: 3

Marianne Chapter: 8 page: 6

Mechanical heart Chapter: 5 page: 1

Innocence Effacé Chapter: page: 2

His Feelings Chapter: 10 page: 14

Vasaïma Chapter: 9 page: 1

Mechanical heart Chapter: 5 page: 2

Chapter: 1 page: 44

Angelic Kiss Chapter: 15 page: 35

Marianne Chapter: 8 page: 7

Journal intime d'un supermarché Chapter: 5 page: 7


Marianne Chapter: 8 page: 5

Mechanical heart Chapter: 5 page: 1

His Feelings Chapter: 10 page: 13

Angelic Kiss Chapter: 15 page: 33

Marianne Chapter: 8 page: 6

Kyuubi no Kitsune Chapter: 2 page: 15



Chapter: 6 page: 7


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