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Guildadventure 31

Now he tries to seem cool with the sudden appeareance and pose, but in truth he have failed, as always XD

Guildadventure 01/02/2013 17:10:30   
Guildadventure 31

This week im gonna make an updote more than usual, cause the next week i will be almost all time attending the barcelona comic convention in spain, where i have a stand with A.C. Puig and I.S.M., and i would not upload pages in manual mode.

I will try to set the automatic mode, but as i've never used it there's many possibilities i fuck up xD. So i make an update today, i will make another the thuesday before leaving and set the automatic mode, and lets see what happens :p

Guildadventure 07/04/2013 17:45:33   
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Equipo : , ,

Versión original: Español

Tipo : manga

Género : Acción


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