a weyyy ahora si se puso fea la cosa :s
LADYD.MASTER 31/08/2011 05:34:42Estas en el concurso...? si es asi te mando todaaa LA BUENA VIBRA...y mis mejores deseos que ganes...
......sere sincera a mas de mil...hasta ahora ninguna me ha parecido aburrida o mal, desde hace mucho kiero decirte que esta es la historia que mas sigo en amilova:
1.- la historia meparece original
2.- la manera en que manejas las frases anomimas y frases biblicas en cada capitulo son adecuadas para el capitulo
3. el manejo de las sombras en las paginas da ese ambiente de tension, suspenso, miedo...eso atrae mucho
4. diras que toy super tocadisco o sea loca..pero con los personajes en especial akuma y el perver de J voy a llamarlo asi, puedo sentir sus emociones, su forma de ser, sentir...asi soy yo si dilo toy loca..
veamos es todo por ahora....
algo mas que kieras preguntarme?
Nobody is reading the comic in english? xD
I am . But it's been nearly 15 pages that nothing is happening...
Your first chapter is excellent because the scenario is mystic and the quality of illustrations is amazing, specially with your mix of characters drawn "traditionnally" and your architectures in 3D.
Chapter 2, we already see the quality going down with you abandonning 3D effects.
But the scenario is still catchy.
Action starts... and there it's difficult to understand why but after Chapter 3 Page 2, quality in illustrations is really going down.
It gives the feeling that, after putting a lot of efforts in making your pages splendid on chapter 1... you started to be bored or wanting to rush like crazy and make more pages, even if it costs you the quality.
Chapter 3 page 5 the action starts to be messy and difficult to understand...
And after that, end of chapter 3 to now... only mystic stuff and story I don't really want to read...
My feeling is that you're getting lost in experimentations .
What is Arkham about exactly ?
Action ? Mysteries ? Humour ? Sexy ?
It seems that you want it to be all that. BUT it can't be equally all that.
Before experimenting and going in all directions, I think you should ask yourself this simple problematic :
"I MUST cacth my reader in 60 pages and make him totally addicted to my comics. How can I do that ?"
First chapter was great for that .2 very interesting characters, humor with Jaume, sexy/mystic and action with Akuma. And great illustrations.
When you'll go back to ALL your basics, your Arkham will become amazing again and THEN you'll have many readers loving you
Autor : A.C.Puig
Equipo : Byabya~~♥, BK-81, DrugOn, Albert Punsoda, Cap. AR!, frederic09
Traducido por : TroyB
Versión original: Español
Ritmo de lanzamiento: Lunes
Tipo : manga
Género : Acción
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intéréssant =^_^=
maxhim 26/08/2011 14:33:44Equipo
Très intéressant même (font flipper les méchants, surtout aussi bien dessinés
Byabya~~♥ 26/08/2011 19:04:29Damned, pas un zeste, sinon il vous tue!
Oizofu 04/12/2011 15:21:25Pauvre petit, il est trop Kawaii, ne le tuez paaas
Kiryu32 29/04/2013 20:23:31Plus forts que les monstroplantes, les monstrofruits !
Nyuki 19/05/2014 09:58:51