Autor : Guildadventure
Equipo : Tony Dias Goncalves, Rambam, Bellatrice
Traducido por : Guildadventure
Versión original: Español
Tipo : manga
Género : Acción
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draque 12/02/2013 09:23:52Il n'y a pas une version 3D ?? plz :angel:
j'ignore comme faire 3d, nous devrions le lui demander à johandark xD
Guildadventure 28/03/2013 12:23:49Mignonnes ...
wessy 27/03/2013 14:33:19Autor
2 months have passed since i made this cover and put it as comic avatar, and it finally comes free. Sometimes premium is confusing, in free section we just start chapter 7, but in premium the chapter is already ending, and i think you're gonna like it, in this chapter i begin to use my new cintiq tablet and discober some manga studio tools, so the quality improves a lot, im very happy with the results.
Guildadventure 28/03/2013 12:20:46on other topic, you have still 3 days to participate in the monster design contest and win a free commision.
fan service ?
Tchouda 30/06/2013 03:53:09Equipo
C'est une vraie question ?
Bellatrice 30/06/2013 08:51:43Oui, c'en est.
Guildadventure 30/06/2013 12:11:25