Autor : ImagineTheEnding
Equipo : gobes, TroyB, Nick Camus, Honkone
Versión original: English
Ritmo de lanzamiento: Martes
Tipo : Cómics
Género : Fantasía - SF
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Indeed, time to make fart theories !
TroyB 06/08/2013 09:15:21Autor
ImagineTheEnding 06/08/2013 20:08:09Autor
Also for everyone who is interested, Volume 1 pre-order is up. http://imaginetheending.storen...oducts/2045505-vacant-volume-1
ImagineTheEnding 06/08/2013 20:24:19Equipo
Is it possible to order in french ? so I could adapt my french advertising
gobes 06/08/2013 21:20:05Autor
Not yet. Maybe later down the road if Vacant's population increases.
ImagineTheEnding 06/08/2013 21:49:55