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Eskhar 31

Page translated ! If you see some mistakes, you're very welcome to correct them, english's not my mothertongue >w <.

(sorry I forgot to erase a little piece of bubble - but if I re-upload the page, all the html bubbles will disappear and the translators will hate me :at

Eskhar 01/01/2012 02:12:05   
TroyB 41

Eskhar ha dicho:Page translated ! If you see some mistakes, you're very welcome to correct them, english's not my mothertongue &gt;w&lt;.

(sorry I forgot to erase a little piece of bubble - but if I re-upload the page, all the html bubbles will disappear and the translators will hate me :at

Thanks for taking care of your translation... being the author you're in good position for choosing your own words .

TroyB 05/01/2012 16:55:26   

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Autor :

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Traducido por : Eskhar

Versión original: Français

Tipo : manga

Género : Fantasía - SF


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