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5 comentarios
Esteryn 33

Beautiful drawings, meaningful and compelling text, a great beginning !

Esteryn 11/09/2011 11:39:05   
TroyB 41

Esteryn ha dicho:Beautiful drawings, meaningful and compelling text, a great beginning !

Yeah I think the same, awesome page, beautilful drawings !
For the "compelling text" I did my best to match with the french version, but I'm not so sure... I hope I've not damaged too much the original idea !

TroyB 11/09/2011 19:05:48   
Esteryn 33

TroyB ha dicho: I hope I've not damaged too much the original idea ! Seems fine to me ^.^ it's difficult to translate in another language

Esteryn 15/09/2011 11:00:09   
Eskhar 31

Thank you ! And a big "thanks a lot" to TroyB and Furo (studio Takoyaki) who were nice enough to make the english translation...

Eskhar 24/09/2011 21:00:55   
TroyB 41

Mmmmmhhh... enjoy the cool new fonts !!!

TroyB 09/11/2011 19:43:10   

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