Below the world of 9-5's and rising taxes is a place for misfits and outcasts. By day, they follow the rules and conform to society's standards. But by night, the 'dump' below the city known as The Well becomes a haven in which to live out their dreams and fantasies.
Balancing these two worlds isn't easy, but these people can't seem to live any other way...
Dibujante : Genie y Pink_Marionette
Versión original : English
Actualizado en : En pausa
Género : Fantasía - SF
Tipo : manga
(Cómics occidentales (lectura de izquierda a derecha))
Número de lecturas por hora
Páginas publicadas English: 44
Número de lectores: 114831
Promedio de lectores por día: 73
Número de comentarios: 28
28 comentarios en otros idiomas.