Autor : ImagineTheEnding
Equipo : gobes, TroyB, Nick Camus, Honkone
Traducido por : gobes
Versión original: English
Ritmo de lanzamiento: Martes
Tipo : Cómics
Género : Fantasía - SF
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Ah ha... ça devient intéressant. Faites péter les théories
gobes 05/08/2013 16:01:43Autor
What did you say in this comment!? When I was translating it through google translate it read as "It gets interesting. Make fart theories". Which made me laugh pretty hard, but wasn't sure if that was what you were really saying.
ImagineTheEnding 06/08/2013 00:42:26Equipo
FART? wow. I never imagined that theories could fart... but if you ask me, it could be funny.
gobes 06/08/2013 09:13:35...
Anyway, what I said was "tell your theories". I always try to make people comment, so the comic can reach Amilova's first pages
Hahahaha. Oh okay. That's what I figured. Just wanted to make sure. And thanks!!
ImagineTheEnding 06/08/2013 20:07:52Equipo
Pour info, il est possible de précommander le tome 1 de Vacant (seulement en anglais pour le moment):
gobes 07/08/2013 09:13:40http://imaginetheending.storen...oducts/2045505-vacant-volume-1
Une bonne idée pour noël (oui, déjà), tiens