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10 comentarios
KenB 7

Was it a war or a raid?

KenB 10/09/2013 05:04:00   
YonYonYon 6

A really infortunate accident

YonYonYon 15/09/2013 09:37:25   
alrickdrinkson 24

when i see such a page, i can't help but wonder how long it took you to make such a nice/marvelous/magnificent page

alrickdrinkson 12/09/2013 23:44:06   
YonYonYon 6

2 days. Approximately

YonYonYon 13/09/2013 07:22:45   
alrickdrinkson 24

Wow Oo" you really put this 2 day to good use, i think it needed more time to do such a thing, does the 2 day include the storybording/ reflexion on how you will display your picture, or is it just the drawing and coloration, but you have aleready storyboarded your story?

alrickdrinkson 13/09/2013 08:52:46   
YonYonYon 6

it took me 2 days just to draw this. All the planning take a little bit more time. It varies a lot, sometimes I can plan, storyboard and draw a page in a day, somedays I stuck at planning for very long time. Like, I know what I want to show and tell, but I don't know how.

YonYonYon 15/09/2013 09:42:59   
Hegure 1

Is that who i think it is?! he cool looking even before! love the tail!

Hegure 14/09/2013 04:00:47   
YonYonYon 6

Yep, this is Lucas xD thanks

YonYonYon 15/09/2013 09:43:31   
eta235 1

I hope it'll get explained why his eyes are different colors older than when he was younger.

eta235 18/09/2013 23:22:51   
Lilence 3

this is so powerful

Lilence 25/11/2013 16:14:52   
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The Heart of Earth: portada




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Versión original: English

Tipo : Cómics

Género : Fantasía - SF


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