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Esteryn 33

i love when people have really strong intuition, like the captain's help, and still go like : "nooo it's probably nothing" but of course it is fishy that guy's attitude ^^

Esteryn 05/11/2011 23:15:07   
Pehesse 28

Esteryn ha dicho:i love when people have really strong intuition, like the captain's help, and still go like : "nooo it's probably nothing" but of course it is fishy that guy's attitude ^^ Ha ha, yeah, Hoai doesn't speak her mind until she's pretty sure :-p what was she suspecting, though.. was it more the ensign's attitude, or Ellie's speech ?

Pehesse 06/11/2011 13:19:40   
Esteryn 33

Pehesse ha dicho:Ha ha, yeah, Hoai doesn't speak her mind until she's pretty sure :-p what was she suspecting, though.. was it more the ensign's attitude, or Ellie's speech ? I thought both, but you're making me doubt lol

Esteryn 07/11/2011 10:22:11   
Pehesse 28

Esteryn ha dicho:Pehesse ha dicho:Ha ha, yeah, Hoai doesn't speak her mind until she's pretty sure :-p what was she suspecting, though.. was it more the ensign's attitude, or Ellie's speech ? I thought both, but you're making me doubt lol Doubt is good :-D

Pehesse 07/11/2011 16:44:28   
Esteryn 33

en fait faut pas faire confiance au narrateur de cette histoire, il nous embrouille lol

Esteryn 07/11/2011 17:52:26   
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Autor :

Versión original: Français

Ritmo de lanzamiento: Lunes, Jueves

Tipo : Cómics

Género : Fantasía - SF


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