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3 comentarios
Pehesse 28

Random trivia about this page...

The feel of the whole dialogue is very different depending on the language. In french, the way they talk about make them sound detached, and yet conscious of the gravity of Enrique's situation. The way they talk in english is a lot closer to what I wanted to convey in this scene... casual and jokingly, to hide the tragedy. Both versions sometimes have slightly different bits of dialogue as well - if you can read both, it may be interesting to see what each version has to offer :-)

Pehesse 06/10/2011 18:48:46   
Esteryn 33

I love the first three images on the page. I liked the dialogue, but it sounded very serious to me, maybe i missed the joking tone, not being an english native, i'll read it in french now to compare !

Esteryn 23/10/2011 21:48:53   
Pehesse 28

Esteryn ha dicho:I love the first three images on the page. I liked the dialogue, but it sounded very serious to me, maybe i missed the joking tone, not being an english native, i'll read it in french now to compare ! You're right, "joking" may be too strong a word - casually cynical, maybe :-p Chelsie overplays the fact that her boss is "out of the game" as something that happens often, and as such, is no big deal...

Pehesse 23/10/2011 22:35:06   
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Autor :

Versión original: Français

Ritmo de lanzamiento: Lunes, Jueves

Tipo : Cómics

Género : Fantasía - SF


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