Autor : Mimiyavi, studio.takoyaki
Equipo : tze, Guxo, BK-81, Leyng
Traducido por : studio.takoyaki
Versión original: Français
Tipo : manga
Género : Acción
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Ahahaha Sam CLover and Alex
! Excellent one !
Naruto 23/09/2011 11:37:37Autor
Naruto ha dicho:Ahahaha Sam CLover and Alex
! Excellent one !
studio.takoyaki 23/09/2011 18:30:18Héhé happy you noticed the reference =).
All drawings in Run 8 are great, but I love it the most when there are cool expressions and movements. On panel 3 the expression is awsome!!! : O
Drawly 01/10/2011 01:28:05Autor
Drawly ha dicho:All drawings in Run 8 are great, but I love it the most when there are cool expressions and movements. On panel 3 the expression is awsome!!! : O
studio.takoyaki 16/10/2011 20:33:08Thank you !! Sorry we didn't answered before because we didn't seen your comment.
Mimi is working hard to integrate the shonen's rules, so your comment is going to our hearts.
LOL Totally Spies? They've got even similar hairstyles.
DrugOn 16/10/2011 20:28:25Autor
DrugOn ha dicho:LOL Totally Spies? They've got even similar hairstyles.
studio.takoyaki 16/10/2011 20:33:37Yep we wented to laugh at them =p.
studio.takoyaki ha dicho:DrugOn ha dicho:LOL Totally Spies? They've got even similar hairstyles.
(BTW I like TS cartoon)
DrugOn 16/10/2011 20:45:20Yep we wented to laugh at them =p.
Don't do them anything wrong. At last they're saving our world
DrugOn ha dicho:studio.takoyaki ha dicho:DrugOn ha dicho:LOL Totally Spies? They've got even similar hairstyles.
(BTW I like TS cartoon)
studio.takoyaki 16/10/2011 20:48:00Yep we wented to laugh at them =p.
Don't do them anything wrong. At last they're saving our world
We don't xD
Nice perspective in the last panels ( it's one of my favorite angles )
Mart 08/11/2011 10:43:32Autor
Mart ha dicho:Nice perspective in the last panels ( it's one of my favorite angles )
studio.takoyaki 09/11/2011 16:58:42Mimi: one of my fav too
good girls gone bad (take my likes )
Re-al Boss 31/08/2013 06:45:32