I've found an interesting page, it allows authors to be patroned by people, they can donate you the amount they want and you offer some gifts or milestones in exchange, i'm giving it a try, i´ll be gratefull if you share it in your social media
Puedes traducir este Cómic a través de nuestra interface Online. Traduciendo ayudas a los artistas a darse a conocer, y muestras tu interés y gratitud. Los traductores dedicados pueden ser recompensados con Golds.
If looks could kill
Guildadventure 22/02/2014 12:10:03I've found an interesting page, it allows authors to be patroned by people, they can donate you the amount they want and you offer some gifts or milestones in exchange, i'm giving it a try, i´ll be gratefull if you share it in your social media
I also am open for commissions, if you want a drawing you can check here http://kukuruyoart.deviantart..../journal/Commissions-367190104