Dad?! What are you doing here?
What am I doing here ? Better explain why you took that merchandise out of the place.
What? Me?! Why do you say that?
Ask Gustavo and Daniel, they can tell you...
How can you believe whatever they said about me?! I'm your son!
Cause these boys guided us to the merchandise in one of your employee's car.
And what?! That doesn't mean anything! You can't believe all this nonsense!
No, no... I can't keep this going. It's true, Mr Carlos hired us for take the stuff away and toss it in the bay...
He said everything will be OK, but it's not like that... These girls have nothing to do with any of this...
Shut your mouth! I don't pay you for saying stupid nonsenseness! Dad don't listen to him!
I've listened enough, you two come down.
We'll talk out of here...
We're fired, right?
But you don't understand! That's my merchandise. That's my idea! They're the thieves!!
Shut up! Come on...
What? Are you enjoying this hell?
I was right all along!!
nice to see villain have some standards to.
Ouroboros 21/01/2013 17:35:09Then again the guy could have trully believed what he was doing was legal.
great story.
indeed great story
TroyB 22/01/2013 00:53:33Autor
Thank you!
SkillDraw 26/01/2013 19:07:24Autor
Villains are people after all. Not that we don't like the evil encarnate type of villain, of course
SkillDraw 26/01/2013 19:07:04SkillDraw ha dicho:Villains are people after all. Sure
TroyB 27/01/2013 10:45:29That's a nice happy ending