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Guildadventure 31

Just yesterday i found a video about archery, a guy who explains how the archer techniques of old where different from todays, because today as a sport archer only shoot in controled environments, when in the past they needed speed and practical use. So aparently they shooted from the right and had the arrows in their belts. I find that interesting cause i have always draw my archer shooting from the right and with the arrows in their belts, by simple personal deduction (although tictic have to do it by the front part) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEG-ly9tQGk

Guildadventure 27/01/2015 13:44:23   
Manphu 2

This fight is really cool m8 , keep up

Manphu 28/01/2015 11:50:05   

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Tipo : manga

Género : Acción


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