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Bellatrice 33

But K'sara is not a woman, she is a salamander.

Bellatrice 17/07/2015 16:44:55   
Guildadventure 31

And a woman. Besides there's only female salamanders.

Guildadventure 29/07/2015 18:58:38   
Bellatrice 33

But women are nice and peaceful, they don't break architecture and cut people.
(3e degree )

More seriously, woman = female human for me, I am not sure the Australopithecus Lucy was a "woman". If male salamanders existed, I think they wouldn't either call themselves "men" because it looks too like "humans".
Whatever, it's a detail (and a fiction of yours). I only want to have the last word (please, let me have this one).

Bellatrice 29/07/2015 21:14:50   
Guildadventure 31

It seems D'jahira doesn't lacks on the ofensive also.

Guildadventure 10/11/2015 11:35:55   
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