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Gothika : comic portada

Part one of a fantasy saga about the ethernal battle between heaven and hell for the fate of Еarth.

Part Two: http://www.amilova.com/en/comics-manga/2286/gothika%3A-peaccatum-omnia.html

Dibujante :

Versión original : English

Actualizado en : Terminado

Género : Fantasía - SF

Tipo : Cómics - Saga
(Cómics occidentales (lectura de izquierda a derecha))


Este cómic contiene imágenes y diálogos chocantes. Antes de leerlo, por favor se consciente de lo que contiene:

  • Erotismo

44 comentarios en otros idiomas.

Mart Mart 13sep ch4 p24 When an angel loses his/hers wings the eyes become grey. In Velhemina's case only her left wing was torn off in the beginning of t (...)
brumbart brumbart 8sep ch4 p24 Wait what exactly is wrong with Velheminas left eye? Why is it grey?
Mart Mart 26jul ch6 p39 Thome 2 of Gothika: http://www.amilova.com/en/comics-manga/2286/gothika%3A-peaccatum-omnia.html
Mart Mart 25jul ch6 p39 Thanks :)
Mart Mart 25jul ch6 p39 Thank you. :) More is comming soon. :)
brumbart brumbart 23jul ch6 p39 This was awesome. I love this Comic......I WANT MORE.
no one no one 21may ch6 p39 that was some great *o*
no one no one 22mar ch5 p32 I love that story! :)
S.E.Th S.E.Th 2dic ch5 p14 Absolutely loving this new story!!!! Following always!!!
Mart Mart 1abr ch3 p9 Thanks :)
norack norack 26mar ch3 p9 Nice design.
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