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Hunk and Dashing

Hunk and Dashing : manga portada

The Gullible Siren is a dating service in a fantasy world.

Where Dwarves and Elves have to see eye to eye or lose there trail money.

Dibujante :

Versión original : English

Actualizado en : En pausa

Tipo : manga
(Cómics occidentales (lectura de izquierda a derecha))

19 comentarios en otros idiomas.

Ouroboros Ouroboros 14dic ch2 p25 Who will be Hunks date? Stay tuned next year.
Ouroboros Ouroboros 7ago ch1 p49 Well you know what they say, Dwarves are builders
Salagir Salagir 7ago ch2 p10 Oh, I'm sure it's too late.
Salagir Salagir 7ago ch1 p49 Cool legos on his shoulders.
Salagir Salagir 7ago ch1 p34 The first sentence..............
Salagir Salagir 7ago ch1 p16 So it SEEMS you're not a bearded dwarf after all! Lying avatar! :D
Ouroboros Ouroboros 3jul ch1 p50 Sorry for the delay it has been a busy week.
Ouroboros Ouroboros 31may ch1 p49 All that commotion for kissing the palm of the hand.
Ouroboros Ouroboros 5may ch1 p48 I am almost done with this comic two pages to go.
Ouroboros Ouroboros 8abr ch1 p47 Elves and there priorities, bah.
Ouroboros Ouroboros 7feb ch1 p45 Well it looks like the first chapter or even the series ends before the year is out.
Ouroboros Ouroboros 18dic ch1 p43 Well my scanner and art programs are running again but not in time for the update sadly. To make up for it as with my other proje (...)
Ouroboros Ouroboros 27ago ch1 p40 Elves are known to be slender and smooth skinned. But does she really think Hunk would comply?
Ouroboros Ouroboros 14ago ch1 p39 Time for dessert the meal is almost at an end.
Ouroboros Ouroboros 30jul ch1 p38 Mu Spores as the name suggest are (enormous intelligent) fungus



Número de lecturas por hora

Páginas publicadas English: 92

Número de lectores: 216460

Promedio de lectores por día: 504

Número de comentarios: 19

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