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13 comentarios
Ouroboros 28

that's gotha hurt, but not as much if she doesn't inproof.

Ouroboros 13/10/2016 21:42:04   
FrenchKizz 32

the truth hurts

FrenchKizz 14/10/2016 10:14:46   
Noisekeeper 1

Hehe, poor girl. Ogre is harsh.

Noisekeeper 15/10/2016 17:32:42   
PookyCherie 8

Yep the orcs are not famous for being sweet :p

PookyCherie 17/10/2016 14:52:29   
super-spartan 3

lol he doesn't pull any punches

super-spartan 15/10/2016 17:54:57   
PookyCherie 8

yep x) his words are harder than punches :p

PookyCherie 17/10/2016 15:22:29   
Transformer83 1

I love how she keeps thinking he's her hubby.

Transformer83 15/10/2016 18:25:53   
PookyCherie 8

The amazons don't give up easily I guess

PookyCherie 17/10/2016 15:28:27   
meme_king 1

I like how he's kinda miffed by her being so dense

meme_king 15/10/2016 18:45:48   
TheGalka 2

This woman has no idea what she's doing and this poor Orc just wants to be left alone...it's Shrek but with Donkey replaced with a perky blonde.

TheGalka 15/10/2016 18:47:54   
PookyCherie 8

XDDDD omg you are right! I didn't realized it x)

PookyCherie 17/10/2016 14:55:33   
SirVile67 1

She's like, "Praise me, senpai!~" That O_O is wonderful, Mab.

SirVile67 15/10/2016 18:58:37   
PookyCherie 8

thank you <3 Mab will be happy to hear that \(^o^)/

PookyCherie 17/10/2016 15:06:00   

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Versión original: Français

Ritmo de lanzamiento: Lunes, Viernes

Tipo : manga

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