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Union of Heroes

Union of Heroes : manga portada

A freedom fighter lost in time.
An undying monster wanted to be forgotten by the world.
A woman following a legacy she didn't had to take.
A police man tasked by the roman gods to protect it's city.
The arch mage of the catholic church.
A duke that isn't as human as he claims.
And a woman that killed a legend.

The only thing they have in common is that they are super heroes that joined forces to protect Europe.

Currently running the origin of Captain Orange.

Colorista :

Versión original : Nederlands

Actualizado en : En pausa

Tipo : manga
(Cómics occidentales (lectura de izquierda a derecha))

11 comentarios en otros idiomas.

Ouroboros Ouroboros 11ago ch3 p1 There is no super hero world without Nazi's is there? The Great War and the economic depression that followed thereafter had we (...)
Ouroboros Ouroboros 11ago ch3 p1 De Grote Oorlog en de depressie die daar opvolgde had Duitsland verzwakt. De honger, haat en verwarring gaf de Nazi partij de kan (...)
Ouroboros Ouroboros 25may ch2 p14 Well late today, but better late then never.
Ouroboros Ouroboros 6mar ch1 p17 I could have waited to post this next month having a buffer.. but as this comic is now more populair for the moment.
Ouroboros Ouroboros 4mar ch1 p16 oeps not finished for today.
Ouroboros Ouroboros 9dic ch1 p15 The planned update this week has to wait... My personal pc has broken down.
Ouroboros Ouroboros 14nov ch1 p15 Sorry for being late
Ouroboros Ouroboros 12sep ch1 p13 Thinking about it. Maybe it was better if i spread the conversation out in 3 pages. But i would slow the story down drastically. (...)
Ouroboros Ouroboros 28jun ch1 p10 That mask is going to change not pleased with it at all
Ouroboros Ouroboros 27jun ch1 p7 Dutch Triva: Urk is a fisher city at the East of the nortner Lowerlands part of a province in the netherlands that was only est (...)
Ouroboros Ouroboros 24may ch1 p1 De paar Nederlanders onder ons herkennen de twee cameo's naast de hoofd personage als Gilles de Geus en Leo de Leeuw van de de str (...)





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