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Ouroboros 28

time for the werewolf to talk then

Ouroboros 05/02/2017 11:46:11   
FrenchKizz 32

He better run XD

FrenchKizz 07/02/2017 19:50:42   
Traf 7

Ouroboros beat me to it! Argh!

Traf 05/02/2017 14:23:58   
FrenchKizz 32

what that means ? XD

FrenchKizz 07/02/2017 19:51:28   
Traf 7

I was thinking the same thing, but he mentioned it before I did.

Traf 09/02/2017 17:22:15   
super-spartan 3

oh that a good thing for him

super-spartan 07/02/2017 06:44:55   
FrenchKizz 32

See ? some Orcs in games are nice guys, you'll think about it before slaughtering one :p

FrenchKizz 07/02/2017 19:53:06   
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Versión original: Français

Ritmo de lanzamiento: Lunes, Viernes

Tipo : manga

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