Autor : Chewys
Equipo : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK, Demerzel, Gregoreo, bnkjk, JustWatchingManga
Traducido por : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK
Versión original: Español
Ritmo de lanzamiento: Martes, Sábado
Tipo : manga
Género : Acción
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In the next pages you might wonder why the rivals are the same as in the original (only for the first combats of course) except for the obvious abscence of Goku.

. And that´s why there are 137 contestants and he got Goku´s number.
Chewys 23/02/2017 14:03:27That tiger guy participated, so there weren´t 136 contestants but 137 just like in the original. In the original Krillin and Goku were the last to take numbers because all the big boys entered the line first. And Goku let Krillin pass, so he was the last. Here the tiger and Krillin were the last because the first had to pee. So when he got to the box only number 70 was still there (there might be another Universe where he didn´t went to the bathroom, but that´s not the case of neither U3 nor U9), so the first matches were exactly the same as in the original. Of course he isn´t Goku so he might not get to the finals...
But why didn´t that guy participated in the Budokai in the original? Well, that is a very interesting story: in case you didn´t recognize him he was the tigger bandit who Goku defeated when saving Roshi´s Turttle. In the original he got his self esteem crushed having been defeated by a little kid. He became very insecure and all the other bandits made fun of him. He got into therapy and finally commited suicide
But here, being a fighter, he recognized Son Gohan and didn´t attack to get the turttle. So his self esteem is still high, he seems himself as a strong fighter and entered the Budokai
The fact that you went out of your way to create such a backstory for Goku's replacement is one of the reasons i love your story telling
) Ox King died, Chi Chi got kidnapped, Android 8 got blown up by Gero. Gero got his hands on Tao, Chiaotzu (and Gohan) died permanently, in universe 3 Piccolo started a third reign of terror because he wasn't killed....
This....IS MY BOOMSTICK 09/05/2020 23:39:22I also like how it shows that Goku/Kakkarot not arriving on Earth had both good and bad consequences. The Earthlins had to rely on themselves and thus became far more succesful as martial artists, the Moon didn't get blown up to stop Ape Goku at the tournament. Yamcha got a mentor figure he needed to realize his potential. Relationships developped differently. A Tiger guy didn't commit suicide because he wasn't swatted away like a fly by a little brat no one had ever heard about.
At the same time, Piccolo's reign of terror lasted a full year before he was finally stopped. (although that led to the crazy awesome being that is Haarp, so I guess it evens out
It shows how every action has both positive and negative consequences. And I'm loving it. I'm really happy for the tiger guy though. Running into Goku of all people has got to have been the worst day of his life in u18. At least here he gets to live his life with his pride and self esteem intact